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Building a Brand Story With Shopify
May 6, 2024

Building a Brand Story With Shopify

Stuart Armstrong
Stuart Armstrong
eCom Growth Specialist

While Shopify remains a top choice for launching and managing eCommerce brands, building a loyal customer base goes beyond a user-friendly platform.

Take a look at a few of your favourite brands. Does it seem like they have a personality? That's by careful design. Brands invest heavily in crafting their stories and personalities, which they then use to connect with you.

Learn how to use storytelling in branding to gain customers' trust, engage with them, and outperform the competition.

What is brand storytelling?

Brand storytelling is your compass. It uses narrative to weave together facts (your who, what, and when) with emotions (your why). Strong stories also thread in your brand's values, telling people what you're about and why they should be interested.

You can tell your story through written essays, videos, photo series, or a combination – all tailored to different channels and mediums. A strong brand story becomes the foundation of your brand guidelines, ensuring consistency across all channels as you grow.

Like any captivating story, your brand narrative should be relatable and genuine and inspire action – whether it's joining your community, donating, or simply hitting that buy button. Before jumping into what it takes to create loyal customers and a memorable brand, let's look at why brand loyalty is important.

The Importance Of Brand Loyalty

With 65% of sales coming from repeat customers, brand loyalty should be a top priority. A great business idea or innovative product means nothing if you can't communicate it to the world—specifically in a way that connects with your target audience.

When customers develop a sense of loyalty towards a brand, they are far less likely to be swayed by the offerings of other businesses that provide similar products or services. The importance of brand loyalty cannot be overstated. According to the 2021 Loyalty Barometer Report, 81% of consumers seek to establish a genuine relationship with brands, indicating a strong desire for personalised experiences and meaningful connections. Your audience is actively seeking to "make friends" with your brand!

The Importance Of Brand Loyalty

Telling your brand story

From the Shire's peaceful hills to the galactic expanse, tales unfold in a rhythm, with a beginning, a middle, and an end—the form of story that people expect.

  • End: Success: Take pride in the success this produced.
  • Problem: Describe the issue you are trying to solve.
  • Middle: Solution: Describe how you solved the problem.

Everything has a beginning! Focus on why your brand exists. The answer is your story. However, "to make money" is short-sighted. Answer why your brand exists and what obstacles you overcame.  

Remember: Simple stories are more trustworthy. A complex story can erode trust.

When and where to use storytelling

  1. About Us Page: The most obvious place to share our brand's story is on your website's About Us page. This dedicated space allows you to craft a narrative that resonates with your audience. You can convey your brand's essence using a combination of written content, videos, and visuals.
  2. Early Touchpoints: Effective marketing involves reaching your customers before they purchase. Storytelling is crucial in building brand identity and trust during these early touchpoints. Consider incorporating storytelling into your social media posts or advertisements.
  3. Current Customers: Pay attention to your existing customers. Remind them why they support your brand by weaving your story into various aspects of their experience. Add a personal touch to your packaging and infuse customer service communications with your brand's narrative.

Remember, a well-crafted story can create a lasting connection with your audience, fostering loyalty and engagement.

Tips for brand storytelling with Shopify

Define Your Brand Identity

First, establish a clear brand identity. This involves defining your mission and core values and identifying your target audience; only then can you develop an effective brand story and identity that resonates. Be consistent across all channels, including web and social media. This will help establish brand recognition and differentiate your business from competitors. Imagine you're speaking to someone, because you are!

Customise Your Theme

Shopify offers a variety of themes you can personalise, making it easy to create an online store that's both unique and eye-catching. Choose a theme that matches your brand's image and then tailor it to showcase your brand's mission. A consistent look and feel across your website builds brand recognition and creates a shopping experience customers will remember.

Also, it will be better to invest in Shopify website development services. The Shopify team at will help you present a visually appealing, user-friendly, and well-performing online store to your users.

High-quality imagery with Shopify Magic

Invest in high-quality product images and visuals that showcase your product in the best possible way. Consider utilising high-resolution photos that show off your range. A clean and visually appealing design helps customers visualise products and creates a professional brand image.

Shopify Magic

Shopify Magic, the suite of AI features launched last April, is adding some exciting new capabilities this spring.

  • Effortless Background Editing: No Photoshop skills required! The new media editor lets you easily change your product photo backgrounds to match your store's theme perfectly. Provide a prompt, and the AI will do the rest.
  • Smarter Image Suggestions: The AI editor will analyse your existing product images and recommend backgrounds and styles that create a cohesive look for your entire store.

These new features from Shopify Magic will make it easier than ever to create professional-looking product images and improve your customers' overall shopping experience.

Connect with your audience through social media

Social media isn't just about broadcasting; it's about building relationships. You become a valuable resource for potential customers by sharing interesting and relevant content.

  • Content is king: Share engaging content that resonates with your target audience. This could be informative articles, entertaining videos, or even behind-the-scenes glimpses into your brand.
  • Become a conversation starter: Respond to comments and questions – show your audience you care about their thoughts!

Offer personalised product recommendations

Many eCommerce retailers neglect to offer product recommendations to customers, missing an excellent opportunity to increase online sales and customer engagement. A personalised shopping experience will increase the chances your visitors will make a purchase.

You can leverage personalised product recommendations to increase sales.

  • Use a product recommendation quiz engine like AskFlow.AI
  • Show up your top-selling products on your Shopify store's home page.
  • Base your recommendations on categories. This will help shoppers explore similar products.
  • Try listing recently viewed products on the home page for returning shoppers to offer a convenient shopping experience.
Offer personalised product recommendations

What is the moral of the story?

A good brand story will help you build brand awareness, engage customers, and possibly achieve viral success. You can amplify your Shopify store's visibility and reach with a captivating brand story, exceptional customer service, and more!

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