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Fun Facts About Shopify You Might Not Know
March 20, 2024

Fun Facts About Shopify You Might Not Know

Stuart Armstrong
Stuart Armstrong
eCom Growth Specialist

In ecommerce, Shopify towers as the leading platform globally. It is the poster child of the digital commerce revolution, offering an all-in-one solution that empowers businesses to start, run, and grow. Entrepreneurs, small business owners, and marketers are well-acquainted with Shopify's primary offering – a robust cloud-based system for creating and managing online stores. But let's explore some lesser-known yet fascinating facts that add a touch of charm to this ecommerce powerhouse, making Shopify a true marvel of digital commerce.

The Origins: From Snowboards  to eCommerce

The Origins: From Snowboards to eCommerce

Shopify's journey illustrates how carving fresh tracks in one industry can lead to groundbreaking success in another. It all started in 2006 with three Canadians – Tobias Lütke, Daniel Weinand, and Scott Lake – who aimed to sell snowboarding gear online. In an unexpected twist, their venture into digital commerce led them to create a powerful new ecommerce platform using Ruby on Rails, which would become the foundation of Shopify. As Tobias Lütke noted in an interview with The Observer Effect, “Shopify was a company initially for American customers, built by German founders, in Canada”.

Shopify was born, providing businesses with an easy-to-use platform to build their online stores. Its basic plan equips entrepreneurs with tools and features that rival those of ecommerce giants like Amazon. Driven by the vision to make others successful and entrepreneurship accessible, Tobias Lütke has compiled a list of 14 best startup books for ecommerce business owners. These books, authored by experienced entrepreneurs, offer invaluable insights into overcoming common challenges such as securing funding, developing talent, and finding inspiration. They reveal that many wildly successful businesses began with humble beginnings, encouraging new entrepreneurs to think big and persevere.

Shareholder Dynamics: Who Owns Shopify?

Fast forward 17 years from its humble beginnings, and Shopify has grown into a publicly traded giant, with its shares highly sought after in the financial world. As of May 30, 2024, institutional shareholders like Morgan Stanley, Vanguard Group Inc., J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., and Baillie Gifford & Co. collectively hold 60.97% of Shopify (NYSE: SHOP), while retail investors hold 39.03%. Baillie Gifford is the largest single shareholder, owning 61.39 million shares, which translates to 4.77% of the company, valued at $3.59 billion. With 1,811 institutional owners holding over 965.5 million shares, this strong backing underscores the market's confidence in Shopify's business model and future prospects.

Despite the dominance of institutional investors, Tobias Lütke still holds significant influence. He owns about 7% of the company and wields 40% of the voting power due to a dual-class voting structure. This setup ensures that while he may own a minority of the shares, he retains firm control over the company's direction – a classic case of "the captain still steering the ship."

With Forbes estimating Lütke's net worth at over $7 billion in 2024, he ranks among the richest individuals in Canada. His wealth, largely tied to Shopify's stock performance, reflects the tremendous growth and success of the company he helped build from the ground up.

Shopify's Ranking: A Global Powerhouse

While Shopify is the most popular platform in the US with a 28% market share, its influence extends far beyond American borders. Today, it ranks as the 10th largest online services company worldwide and is the 4th largest ecommerce platform globally, commanding nearly an 11% market share according to Statista. When combining Shopify and Shopify Plus, this share climbs to around 12%, reflecting the trust and reliance millions of businesses place in Shopify to drive their online ventures.

Shopify's Duality: Buyer-Seller Dynamics

Shopify's Duality: Buyer-Seller Dynamics

In 2023, 675 million people made purchases from Shopify stores – a 47.7% increase since 2020. That is like the entire population of the United States buying something online, twice over! Shopify's magnetic appeal draws in buyers like bees to honey, proving its unmatched ability to attract customers.

On the flip side, over 2.06 million merchants sell using the Shopify platform. With nearly double the number of live websites, it appears each seller is running about two distinct Shopify websites on average. This dual presence highlights the platform's versatility and the entrepreneurial spirit of its users.

Physical Presence: A Brick-and-Mortar Hub in LA

Did you know that Shopify isn't confined to the digital realm? In 2018, Shopify opened its very first physical store in Los Angeles. Far from just a retail space, this store serves as a dynamic hub for the city's merchant community. Here, entrepreneurs can explore Shopify’s tools, attend tutorials, and see firsthand how to harness these resources to enhance their online businesses.

Shopify's Global Reach: Speaking Your Language

Shopify supports 20 languages, making it a truly global platform. This ensures that merchants and customers from the UK to China and Latin America can interact in their native tongues. This linguistic inclusivity leads to better customer experiences and, consequently, more sales. When customers can easily understand product details, shipping information, and return policies, they are more likely to hit the "buy" button. This makes international commerce as smooth as silk.

Shopify's Surge: Revenue and Growth

Like a rocket, Shopify's revenue is reaching new heights. In 2023, the platform generated $7.06 billion, marking a 26.07% increase from 2022. Fast forward to March 31, 2024, and revenue for the twelve months hit $7.413 billion, up 25.56% year-over-year. The first quarter of 2024 alone saw a 23% surge to $1.9 billion compared to the previous year. When discounting Shopify’s logistics business, the growth soars to 29% year-over-year.

This remarkable performance makes Q1 2024 the fourth consecutive quarter of at least 25% revenue growth, excluding logistics. As Shopify's president, Harley Finkelstein, put it during a May 8 earnings call, this achievement marks “the strongest version of Shopify in our history”. The financial growth, marked by a series of impressive numbers, is a testament to Shopify's robustness and the trust of millions of merchants worldwide.

A Star-Studded Showcase: Brands on Shopify

Shopify is the go-to platform for celebrities and big brands alike. David Beckham, Lady Gaga, Kanye West, and Adele all use Shopify to sell their merchandise, leveraging its user-friendly interface to connect with fans worldwide. Tesla, a titan of innovation, chose Shopify to power its online store, offering everything from car chargers to branded apparel. Sephora, the beauty giant owned by LVMH, complements its 2,600 retail stores with a Shopify-powered online presence. Nestlé, a global food and beverage leader, is also among Shopify's top merchants. Dan John, an Italian fashion brand founded in 1855, marries tradition with modern technology through its Shopify ecommerce site. Other Shopify success stories include The Josh Wood Colour, a top name in haircare, and Kylie Jenner’s Kylie Cosmetics, which has generated over $630 million in sales, among many others.

From cutting-edge electric cars to timeless fashion, Shopify seamlessly bridges tradition and innovation, making it the preferred choice for both established brands and emerging names.

Shopify's Market Medley: Product Offerings

From Shopify's incredibly diverse product palette, certain categories have already secured top spots on the charts in 2024, reflecting consumer preferences.

The global ecommerce circuit is powered by Electronics, with a projected spend of $922.5 billion, encompassing everything from smartphones to smart home gadgets. Fashion and Apparel closely follow, with an anticipated spend of $760 billion, now fuelled by the accessibility of fashion dropshipping. Food remains a perennial favourite, with expected sales reaching $460.1 billion, providing convenient online grocery shopping options.

Product Potpourri

The most expensive popular product type on Shopify is paintings, with a median price of $219.

Shopify's first sale was a watch, a prophetic testament to the notion that “time is money” in ecommerce. Since then, billions have flowed through the platform.

Shopify's Hidden Gems:  App Store Treasures

Shopify's Hidden Gems: App Store Treasures

The Shopify App Store has nearly 10,000 apps designed to supercharge your online business. There is an app for just about everything you can think of, from store design enhancements to seamless order and shipping management. Among the most popular are apps focused on Product Reviews, Search Engine Optimisation, and Popups, leading the pack in user reviews.

The number of apps on the Shopify App Store has seen interesting fluctuations over the years. There was a 24.17% growth between 2021 and 2022, and a 50.48% jump between 2022 and 2023. However, from 2023 to 2024, there was an 8.15% decrease. This might seem like a decline, but it actually underscores Shopify's commitment to quality. The platform regularly weeds out underperforming apps to maintain a reliable and trustworthy marketplace. As of January 2024, the Shopify App Store houses 9,701 apps.

On average, a Shopify app plan costs about $58.49 per month, but around 40.52% of Shopify apps offer at least one free plan or trial, allowing merchants to test the waters before committing. Shopify itself offers 34 free apps to get you started. Interestingly, out of these 34 apps, 12 have an average rating of 2.5 or less. This indicates that while Shopify provides many tools, merchants often turn to third-party developers for the crème de la crème of ecommerce solutions.

The key takeaway is that there is always a choice. The typical Shopify merchant relies on at least six unique apps to keep their business running smoothly, highlighting the platform's adaptability.

AI-Driven Marvels: The Future is Here

AI-Driven Marvels: The Future is Here

Shopify isn't just for entrepreneurs – it is also a playground for AI enthusiasts. Shopify has woven artificial intelligence into its fabric, offering merchants AI-powered apps that can elevate their online business in surprising ways.

Shopify Magic: Your Business Enchanter

Shopify Magic is like having a genie in a bottle. This suite of AI tools simplifies operations and boosts productivity, empowering merchants to excel in marketing, conversion, and operations. With Shopify Magic, creating engaging product descriptions or long-form content is just a few taps away. As Shopify President Harley Finkelstein noted, these tools drove a nearly 130% increase in merchant ads from Q4 2023 to Q1 2024 while keeping costs low. That is the kind of magic every business needs!

Sidekick, Shopify’s AI assistant, transforms store management by handling complex tasks efficiently, streamlining your workflow and day-to-day operations.

With the help of Shopify Email, generating compelling subject lines, creating engaging content, and identifying optimal send times becomes easy.

Shopify Inbox enhances customer service by using AI-generated responses to manage incoming chats efficiently, allowing you to review, edit, and send responses with ease.

Instant Answers provides automatic responses to common questions, ensuring prompt and accurate customer support.

AI-Powered Help Centre processes queries and extracts relevant data quickly, offering accurate, personalised responses without extensive searching.

AI-Powered Review Summaries sorts through reviews, extracts key points, and presents an overall summary, helping you make informed decisions about which apps to use for your business.

Top AI Apps to Consider

Chatbots: Tidio, Gobot, and Ochatbot personalise customer interactions, learning from user behaviour to provide tailored responses.

Image and Video: Generative AI tools like CreatorKit and Minta Video create stunning visuals effortlessly, making your content stand out.

Virtual Assistants: Apps like Reclaim AI and Bardeen AI handle mundane tasks like scheduling and data entry, freeing up your time for critical activities.

Product Recommendations: Askflow, Wiser, and LimeSpot Personalizer use AI to suggest products based on customer behaviour, boosting sales and enhancing the shopping experience.

Finance: Apps like Fyle and WallyGPT manage expenses and provide real-time analytics, keeping your finances in check.

Transcription: Tools like Transcy and simplify translating and transcribing content, breaking down language barriers.

Marketing: Apps like Glowtify and InCharge analyse customer data to craft effective campaigns, maximising your marketing ROI. LinkPop, a new addition, creates a shoppable landing page for social media, making it easy for customers to access your products through social media apps.

In the world of ecommerce, time is money. Shopify's integration of AI saves both, proving that the future of ecommerce is not just bright – it is intelligent.

Expanding Horizons: Where Business Meets Beats

Expanding Horizons: Where Business Meets Beats

Shopify is more than an ecommerce platform; it is a dynamic entity that continuously evolves, pushing the boundaries of what ecommerce can be. Beyond coding and algorithms, Shopify embraces creativity through Shopify Studios, its own TV and film production house. This venture into storytelling adds a vibrant dimension to the platform, showcasing entrepreneurial journeys and innovative business ideas.

Every year, Shopify hosts its annual summit, Shopify Unite, a celebration of innovation, collaboration, and community. This event is renowned for its lively after-parties, where even top executives let loose. Notably, Tobi Lütke has been spotted rapping at these events!

Wrapping Up

Shopify’s continuous evolution is a testament to its forward-thinking ethos, democratising ecommerce and supporting and inspiring entrepreneurs. It is a platform with a pulse, constantly expanding its horizons and redefining what it means to be a leader in the ecommerce space.

If you are considering creating your own store on Shopify, these fun facts might just give you that extra nudge of excitement and confidence to get started. And we are here at Fourmeta UK to share the journey with you!

P.S. Want to dive deeper into the exciting world of e-commerce? Check out our blog post on "Fun Facts About Ecommerce You Might Not Know" for some surprising stats and trivia! And for a dose of social media insights, we've got you covered with "Fun Facts and Statistics About Social Media" too!

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